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General Outline for Cleaning Crew:





  • Two people per shift

  • Typically there's multiple half-hour/full hour shifts over Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

  • 2 total volunteer positions available



  • At least one person on shift must have a cell phone in case of need for contact

  • Ideally there will be one male, and one female volunteer so there is no need to close a bathroom down when cleaning, however this can be worked around if needed

  • Must have a general knowledge of the festival's policies and procedures.

  • Ideally individuals should have training in proper cleaning procedures. Some training will be given on site.

  • Personal responsibility and motivation is important for this shift, as it will typically be on a "need to" basis, with little supervision.

  • Must attend a training and orientation session at festival location on Friday Aug 16 at 3pm



  • Taking a walk around of the grounds and picking up any trash or recycling.

  • Emptying our garbage's and recycling bins - replacing bags

  • Restocking bathrooms as needed

  • Cleaning bathrooms and outhouses

  • Cleaning tables and chairs in beer gardens

  • Cleaning the kitchen at intervals



  • This volunteer duty is divided into strategic times for cleaning, however there is no specific amount of time per shift to clean for. Sometimes it will merely be a matter of minutes cleaning a particular area, others it might take an hour or so to finish a specific task.

  • This duty will be most important on Sunday morning as that is when the final clean will happen for everything.

  • Often times areas will appear to be clean, however we still will require that things such as bathrooms and the kitchen have a good disinfectant wash down when scheduled.

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